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Services Offered by Erika

 Rising Higher Training - Coaching - Referral Program - Speaker

Romans 14:12 says, “So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.”


Good questions to ponder:

  • Am I doing anything worthy for God’s Kingdom?

  • Am I allowing God to flow through the gifts He has bestowed on me to make a difference?


One day we all have to give an account of what we have done with the gifts and calling God has bestowed on us.

Do you feel stuck in life and question if God has a purpose for you?

Erika is changing the Christian faith community with her brand-new proprietary system that provides answers to,
“Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”

“Erika’s teaching inspired me to reflect on who I am in ways I had not yet done. We are all uniquely wired in beautiful and meaningful ways. Finding your purpose will open endless possibilities for knowing yourself better so you can serve and influence in wonderful ways that only you can.”

~ Katherine – Continuous Improvement Practitioner

“Through a series of life events, Erika has gained valuable tools to help us find our place of purpose, so we can stop wasting time on fruitless pursuits that don’t fulfill us.”

~ Cheryl – Nurse

Training Seminars

Rising Higher Master Class Training

Rising Higher Master Class: 
Equipping Women to Find and Step Into Their God-Given Purpose

Erika’s Signature Training

Erika’s goal is to help you discover your God-given purpose, so you can live your life with passion, joy, and fulfillment, void of guilt or apology, doing what God created you to do. 

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Can you relate to any of the following:

  • You feel a bit stuck in life and feel like you are made for more, and want to find your true calling

  • You are a Christian woman who struggles with self-doubt and lack of clarity and direction about who you are and why you are here

  • Your identity and dreams drifted away due to the challenges you face with work, spouse, children, and family

  • You desire to have better relationships with your spouse, children, parents, and friends

  • You have lost sight of who you are and how God uniquely designed you

  • You desire to make a meaningful difference and be a Kingdom Influencer, yet when you look at your life, you feel you have nothing special to offer God

  • You recognize that time is passing quickly and you’re not living up to your God-given potential or creating the changes you want

Do you want to know “Who you are?” and “Why you are here?” so you can use your gifts to impact people in the area God has called you?

I have a solution that will take you from where you are now to where you want to be. It’s my brand-new proprietary purpose-finding methodology called:

The Rising Higher Master Class:

Equipping Women to Find and Step into Their God-Given Purpose Training


It’s the ONLY high-level, faith-based comprehensive container for Christian women committed to pleasing the Lord.

This is my most powerful program yet – a step-by-step guide to transforming every aspect of your Christian life.

Inside this comprehensive six-week deep-dive training and coaching program container you’ll receive:

  • Rising Higher Master Class: Six module, step-by-step video training with several hours of transformational content all personally taught by Erika Larsson

  • A professionally designed Rising Higher workbook in printable PDF format for jotting down all key points, biggest learnings, and powerful writing exercises

  • Weekly group zoom coaching lessons along with additional prayer modules to help you have dominance over the enemy – Replay recordings provided

  • A 1:1 private coaching session with Erika (approximately 1-1.5 hrs.), where we clarify your purpose and get rid of any blocks that keep you from living your purpose

  • Full access to a private community of like-minded women, where we share our challenges, receive encouragement, and celebrate successes - It’s where you can ask questions and receive ongoing training and support to live out your God-given purpose


The entire training is completely online. That means no travel fees, no hotel fees, no meal fees,

no extra expenses.

There are many courses on finding your purpose, but few use are infused with faith, scripture, and all the elements that I use to create a proven path for success. My proprietary, simple step-by-step  purpose finding system takes into account every aspect of who you are; your personality style, spiritual gifts, passions, experiences, and the blocks that may be stopping you from being all God created you to be, so you can live a fulfilling and joyous life.

In the Rising Higher Master Class I share the decades of knowledge and expertise I’ve gained.



This is what you can expect in the RISING HIGHER MASTER CLASS: Equipping Women to Find and Step into Their God-Given Purpose Training and Coaching Program

This comprehensive training will:

Equip you to…Confidently stand in the power and authority you have been given as a believer in Jesus Christ

Equip you to…Remove all the barriers between you and God

Equip you to…Keep your peace when challenges arise

Equip you to…Do effective spiritual warfare against Satan and the demonic powers that come against you

Equip you to…Understand yourself and others at a deeper level, allowing you to enjoy meaningful relationships, rich in understanding, acceptance, and respect

Equip you to…Understand how God divinely and uniquely wired you with personality traits, spiritual gifts, and passions to fulfill His call and purpose for your life

Equip you to…Silence the enemy’s condemning chatter, so you can leave all curses, worry, unworthiness, guilt, shame, fear, doubt, and all other lies from the enemy behind

Equip you to…Use proven prayer methods for breakthroughs, and removing the blocks that stop you from entering the next level of impact God wants you to have for His Kingdom

Equip you to…Control your thoughts away from toxic, self-sabotaging thinking, to truth thinking

Equip you to…Live your God-given purpose, using your unique gifts to make a meaningful difference in your community and the world

Equip you to…Live a spirit-empowered life filled with confidence, purpose, passion, and joy

Equip you to…Rise to a higher level in your Christian walk

Don’t miss out on being all God created for you to be!

Rising Higher Master Class : Equipping Women to Find and Step Into Their God-Given Purpose Coaching and Training:

Online Date Available: 6 Tuesday's starting 17 Sept. 2024 at 5:30pm PST via Zoom

Live Date Available: Two days - Sept. 20, 6-9pm PST, Sept. 21, 10am-6pm PST  Victoria, BC Canada

Investment: Book a call for more information and special pricing

Meet the Founder and CEO

Erika Larsson

Erika is a spirited trainer, author, speaker, certified advanced Christian coach and inner prayer healing coach. ​She has designed workshops and coaching programs since 1990 and has dedicated her life to sharing her knowledge and expertise with women who want to take their life and faith to the next level.


Her newly-created proprietary simple step-by-step system, designed to help women find and step into their God-given purpose, is revolutionizing the Christian faith community. Participants of the Rising Higher Master Class Program say the training is:


‘Revolutionary,’ ‘Eye-opening,’  ‘Much-needed,’ and ‘Life-changing.’

Their miraculous results show up in their newfound clarity, passion, confidence, and boldness to live the life they were divinely created to live.

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Coaching by Erika


Your life has purpose

Your story is important

Your dreams count

Your voice matters

You were born to make an impact

~ Unknown ~

One-On-One Coaching

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Erika has lived through many upsetting and abusive situations that left her feeling unworthy, full of doubt, fear, and defeat. She knows what it takes to be a victorious overcomer, and has devoted her life to helping people remove barriers, blocks, and the negative self-talk that keeps them from living the abundant life God has for them.

Erika’s greatest passion is to encourage people to embrace their full potential by using the gifts and talents God has bestowed on them. Our God-given gifts help us impact and influence the people around us, she says, but often feelings of unworthiness and doubt creep in and stop us. This is where coaching will help remove the blocks, doubts, and fears, and move you forward with purpose and passion, to do what God has specifically gifted, equipped, and called you to do.

Erika has successfully completed advanced training in Christian coaching and inner prayer healing. 

If you're not living an abundant life and feel lost, confused, stuck, or unworthy, Erika will share valuable tools that will help you build the life, career, business, or ministry that you desire. Are you ready to break through to your next level of impact and influence?

Contact Erika to book a free 45-minute coaching session today!

Join the Rising Higher Referral Program

Referral Program

Earn money by joining the Rising Higher referral program. 

Book a time with Erika to discuss details

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A testimonial to Erika as a presenter: 


“Erika is a consummate presenter.  I have seen her present in front of an audience of 3,000 effectively, with confident elegance.  She is a highly skilled seminar and workshop leader.  She leaves her audience motivated and eager to put what they have learned into practice.” 

~ M. Anttila ~ 

Author, Seminar Leader, Entrepreneur

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